ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure library. It is basically a set of detailed practices for IT service management that focuses on aligning IT with business needs. There are numerous advantages of implementing standardized ITIL processes. Some of them are as follows:
• Improves reliability and security of IT services just like DDoS protected dedicated server
• Increases the efficiency of project delivery.
• Optimal resource utilization
• Better relations with third-party stakeholders
In this article, Anti DDoS shares useful tips to help you implement ITIL in your organization tripogram.
1. Put ITIL Implementation At The Heart of Your IT Strategy
The ITIL process will have a reaching impact on your business and is not an initiative that works in isolation. This means that you will have to make it a core of your IT strategy and let it direct all your IT strategic initiatives. Follow a portfolio management approach in order to understand the priorities and alignment of all the IT initiatives.
When you implement ITIL in your organization it will create a demand for new functions and roles, which might disrupt your current IT service management structure. It is important to develop a better understanding of these roles and functions before you complete the process design so you can accommodate for these new roles and functions in the process.
2. Set Realistic Expectations
Whenever you try to implement change in your organization, you will face some backlash from both employees and employers. ITIL is no exception to this. There is a reason for that. They have mastered their current system and switching to a new system means that they will have to start all over again and no one wants that. Change is the only constant so you will have to adapt accordingly instead of complaining about it.
ITIL processes focus on improving customer service and might take a long time before delivering required ROI. It is also important to establish a baseline for key performance indicators so you can monitor results. Make sure that the benefits behind KPIs should be business focused and understood properly so you can convince top management about ITIL implementation. Tracking improvements is important as it allows you to justify your ITIL initiatives in a better way.
3. Engage, Engage, Engage
In order to implement ITIL successfully, you need to ensure constant communication at all levels of the organization. Since ITIL impacts every facet of your organization, it is important that all departments stay in sync. Without this, you will never be able to achieve sustainable results with ITIL implementation. Engagement with stakeholders is also an integral part of ITIL implementation along with training. Everyone from top-level executives to middle-tier to bottom-tier should be on the same page, working together to achieve a common goal. There is no room for misunderstandings so you should ensure that your communication is constant and clear to prevent that.
4. Identify and Deliver Quick Wins
Instead of focusing your attention on more complex and important tasks, it is better to start small. Identify and deliver quick wins. This will allow you to celebrate success early and keeps you motivated. Additionally, it will also help you in getting stakeholder engagement and attention. Following this approach will also give you more time for process implementation.
On the contrary, if you fail to identify and secure these quick wins, it will make your life extremely tough as you face more resistance to change and you get little support from stakeholders. This will significantly reduce your chances of implementing ITIL successfully.
5. Select Process Based on Maturity
Another common mistake most people make when implementing ITIL is they bite off more than they can chew and opt for a process which is for a higher maturity level than their current one. This leads to more stress and eventually results in failure. If you want to reap the best rewards out of ITIL implementation, you will have to implement all its processes concurrently only then you can achieve drastic improvement and significant ROI. Make sure to select the right process that delivers the benefits you need based on your current maturity level otherwise, you will struggle to implement ITIL.
6. Combine Processes and Tools
When you integrate data control processes with the right tools, you can achieve some great results. Combining a service management tool will automate tasks, streamline processes and ensure efficient management of information. Do keep in mind that implementing ITIL is not only about monitoring and tweaking processes, it is about changing the way people work and are rewarded.
It is about changing the behavior of your employees and switching from one technology platform to another. When you combine all this, you start to see a paradigm shift in your organization and that is the primary goal for implementing ITIL.
7. Understand the Impact
ITIL framework consists of ten service management processes and one service management function. Understanding all of these as well as visualizing the impact of ITIL on all these processes is critical to the successful implementation of ITIL. Ensure that the interdependencies of processes are clearly defined and understood. The better you understand the impact on processes, the better the information will flow. With accurate and timely information, higher management can easily identify areas for service improvements and take action to make targeted improvements in those areas, hence delivering a better user experience.
Implementing ITIL might not be an easy thing to do but if you follow all the above-mentioned tips, it won’t be difficult either. The effort you put in to implement ITIL in your organization is well worth it as it delivers great benefits that you can only achieve after ITIL implementation. Choosing the right process based on your maturity, combining processes with tools, ensuring uninterrupted communication between stakeholders and making ITIL a focus of your IT strategy, and directing all strategic decisions can go a long way in helping you achieve ITIL implementation success.
How do you implement ITIL in your company? Share the process with us in the comments section below.
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